~~ Answer ~~

I will be the answer,
at the end of the line
I will be there for you,
one day at the time
In the burning of all surtenty,
I will be your sollid ground
I will hold your balance,
If you count me down
 If it takes my hole life,
I will brake down and bend
It will all be worth it,
worth it in the end
Cause i can only tell you that I know,
that i need you in my life
When the stars gone out,
you´ll still be burning so bright

Cast me gently,
into morning,
for the night has been unkind
take me to,
a place so holy,
then I can wash this from my mind,
I been choosing up to find

If t takes my hole life,
I will brake up and bend
It will all be worth it,
worth it in the end
Cause i can only tell you what I know,
that I need you by my side
When the stars and all burned out,
you´ll still be burning so bright

kiss me gently,
into morning,
for the night has been unkind

/ Tanja

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